fifa pc
Sala de 1 vs 1 o 2 vs 2, sin spam, sin comentarios racistas, sin insultar a otros jugadores, si te conviertes en el jugador uno y quieres cambiar o personalizar tu propia configuración, guárdala en otra ranura es obligatorio o crea tu nombre de usuario para asociar la configuración de tu pad y cada vez que elijas tu nombre de usuario, se cargará tu configuración, si la sala está llena, puedes decidir cómo jugar (1 vs 1 o 2 vs 2 si todos los usuarios están de acuerdo con eso), debes usar un gamepad para una mejor experiencia de juego en partidas de 2 vs 2 (evita las quejas de tu compañero) y también debes tener una buena conexión (140 ms de ping es suficiente para jugar)
1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 room only, no spamming, no racist comments, no insulting other players, if you become the player one and you want to change or customize your own configuration save it into another slot its mandatory or create your username to associate your pad configuration on it and each time you choose your username your configuration will be loaded, if the room is full you can decide how to play (1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 if all users are agree with that), you must use a gamepad for a better gaming experience in 2 vs 2 match (avoid partner´s complain) and must have a good connection too (140 ms ping its enoght to play)
Apenas sala 1 vs 1 ou 2 vs 2, sem spam, sem comentários racistas, sem insultos a outros jogadores, se você se tornar o jogador um e quiser alterar ou personalizar sua própria configuração, salve-a em outro slot, é obrigatório ou crie seu nome de usuário para associar sua configuração de pad a ele e cada vez que você escolher seu nome de usuário, sua configuração será carregada, se a sala estiver cheia, você pode decidir como jogar (1 vs 1 ou 2 vs 2 se todos os usuários concordarem com isso), você deve usar um gamepad para uma melhor experiência de jogo em partidas 2 vs 2 (evite reclamações de parceiros) e deve ter uma boa conexão também (ping de 140 ms é o suficiente para jogar)
NX Launcher lite - Rules
NX Launcher's lite Rules
- English-Only Launcher
- The launcher interface is set to English for consistency.
All users must keep the launcher in English (chat) at all times to ensure easy navigation and support for all players.
- The launcher interface is set to English for consistency.
- Do Not Change Game Resolution or Graphics Settings [MASTER RULE]
- Adjusting game resolution or graphics settings is prohibited across all game entries.
This prevents issues with gameplay stability and performance. Breaking this master rule will result in a ban.
- Adjusting game resolution or graphics settings is prohibited across all game entries.
- Game Language Changes Must Be Reverted
- You "may temporarily" change the game language, but you must revert it to English before exiting the launcher.
Failing to restore the language multiple times may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including a ban.
- You "may temporarily" change the game language, but you must revert it to English before exiting the launcher.
- Share the Launcher – Don’t Hold It for Yourself
- Respect others who may also want to access games or the launcher.
Avoid monopolizing the launcher for a couple of hours to ensure fair access for all players.
- Respect others who may also want to access games or the launcher.
- Be Respectful and Cooperative
- Treat other players with respect, both in and out of the game.
Avoid rude behavior or anything that may disrupt the enjoyment of others.
This includes following all launcher and game rules.
- Treat other players with respect, both in and out of the game.
- Good Behavior is Expected at All Times
- Any conduct that violates community standards or disrupts gameplay may result in warnings or a ban from the launcher.
Enjoy the games, but remember to maintain a positive atmosphere.
Any form of harassment or abusive behavior will result in immediate action!
- Any conduct that violates community standards or disrupts gameplay may result in warnings or a ban from the launcher.
- Read the Info Bar Every Time You Start a Game
- Each time you launch a game, take a moment to review the information bar at the bottom.
This bar may contain updates, notifications, or other important information relevant to your experience.
- Each time you launch a game, take a moment to review the information bar at the bottom.
- Pay Attention to Additional Information in the Launcher
- Occasionally, extra instructions or troubleshooting steps may be displayed in the launcher.
Take note of these details, as they can help prevent or resolve issues.
- Occasionally, extra instructions or troubleshooting steps may be displayed in the launcher.
- Basic Reading Comprehension Required
- Users must be able to read and understand the rules and instructions provided in the launcher.
This ensures everyone knows how to use the launcher responsibly.
- Users must be able to read and understand the rules and instructions provided in the launcher.
- Don't Mess Stuffs
- Play fair and respect others' progress. Actions aimed at undermining others or the game are not allowed.
Handle game data and settings responsibly. Don't delete or modify data for the sake of it (you can only delete a save if you want to start again from the beginning, and only on the lowest progress slot in the game).
- Play fair and respect others' progress. Actions aimed at undermining others or the game are not allowed.

Used with permission. Made by Fumbles using Canvas.
Following these rules will help everyone have a smooth and enjoyable experience with the launcher and games.
You can also reports players here if you think it's necessary, with a screenshot.
Master Rule: Never break it, or you'll be banned for good!
I retain the absolute right to modify and add rules as long as the situation requires it in order to offer an optimal experience to all users.
please speak english
NX Launcher lite - 720p
I highly recommend consulting NX LAUNCHER lite Rules
- Parsec TRAY (until deactivation)
If you came from Mickey's Hub or Sierron, this means that the launcher has been set to public.
just follow "Input settings".
NX Launcher lite
When Launcher is set to Private:
How To Join?
TSBAR DISCORD: here first :
if you wanna join the launcher.Once you are granted, send your parsec's name here: add Hoverbike_2#8171182 on parsec.
You should now be ready to join the launcher!
Input settings:
- To quit a game* press > Left stick + L1/LB
- Toggle fullscreen mode press > Left stick + Start
- To Reload a NX games press > Left stick + Select
- Press R-Stick if D-pad not working after exiting a game
Quit and rejoin the launcher with a pluged controller press LB/L1 right after you join back and it should work

You can hear remixed music on the launcher while hovering a specific <Game_ID> who as been completed by users!
- To request a music to a specific <Game_ID>, you must finish it first (campaign, story), then just send me a picture or video of your screen here:
- A remixed music related to the <Game_ID> will be added after verification.
- The song can't be choosen, it will be added randomly to the specific <Game_ID>.
Don't change any game option!
Messing with the launcher will result in a permanent ban!!!
I'll cancel your addition to Parsec if you don't request it first in the appropriate channel.
If you have a really bad behavior, tried to break the launcher, you'll be banned from the launcher!
If you insist, you'll be blocked in discord!
*The emulator "exit" function is partially protected, in the event of an error, you can cancel it by selecting "No" and validate with "Square" / "X".
Da Rulez Of My Parsec Sessions
1. No racism, nsfw or swearing.
2.Be nice to everyone.
Hoverbike's rules (Game Stream)
- Respect other players and the streamer.
We're all here to have fun, so let's be kind and courteous to each other.
- No offensive language, harassment, discrimination, or any other form of inappropriate behavior.
We do not tolerate this, and offenders will be banned.
- Keep chat discussions appropriate and respectful.
No politics, religion, or controversial topics.
- No spamming, channel promotion, or advertising.
We all want to enjoy the stream, not be harassed by incessant announcements.
- Avoid spoilers if possible.
We want everyone to enjoy the gaming experience, so don't ruin the plot for others.
- The stream will be recorded and publicly broadcast.
By participating in my stream, you agree to all of this above.
We hope you'll have fun playing with each others!
No Keyboard or Mouse allowed for online play
It's very difficult to configure inputs/play games with keyboards or mice, so don't use these if you're facing me online.
Thank you.
The Dreaded Double Dip: Seriously, Do People Not Understand How Gross This Is?
Oh man, I've got to get this off my chest. You know what really grinds my gears? Double dipping. Yup, that's right. I'm talking about the people who think it's perfectly fine to dip their chip or veggie, take a bite, and then go right back into the communal dip with the same piece of food. I mean, seriously, do people not understand how gross this is?!
Now, I don't want to sound like some germaphobe, but let's be real for a second. It's common knowledge that our mouths are basically a breeding ground for bacteria. And sure, we all have our own personal ecosystem of germs that we carry around with us, but that doesn't mean I want to share mine with you or vice versa. I think most of us would agree that we're not exactly eager to swap saliva with strangers, so why on earth would we be cool with double dipping?
I've been to my fair share of parties and get-togethers where there's a beautiful spread of chips, veggies, and dips, just begging to be enjoyed. And it never fails – I'll be standing there, minding my own business, when I see someone commit the cardinal sin of snacking: the dreaded double dip. They dip, they bite, and then they go back for more. It's like they don't even realize they're doing it! Or maybe they just don't care? Either way, it's enough to make me want to dump the entire bowl of dip into the trash.
But here's the thing: I don't think people who double dip are bad people. In fact, some of my best friends are double dippers (you know who you are!). The problem is that they just don't seem to realize how off-putting and, frankly, gross their little habit is. So I figured, why not try to educate the masses and maybe save a few appetizers along the way? After all, knowledge is power, right?
So let's start with a little science lesson. In case you didn't know, our mouths are full of bacteria. According to the American Dental Association, there are more than 700 different strains of bacteria that can be found in the human mouth. Now, not all of these bacteria are harmful, but some of them can definitely cause problems like gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. And when you double dip, you're basically inviting all of those little germs to join the party.
Think I'm overreacting? Think again. A study conducted by Clemson University found that double dipping can transfer about 10,000 bacteria from a person's mouth to the dip. Yeah, you read that right – 10,000 bacteria. That's like a whole microscopic colony of germs, just hanging out in the guacamole. Grossed out yet?
But wait, there's more! The same study also found that certain dips are better (or worse, depending on how you look at it) at harboring bacteria. For example, salsa – which tends to be thinner and more watery – can hold more bacteria than thicker dips like cheese or chocolate. So not only are you potentially spreading germs, but you're also creating a veritable bacteria buffet for all of your fellow partygoers to enjoy. Yum.
Now, I know what some of you are thinking: "But I barely touched the dip with my mouth! It's not that big of a deal." Well, I hate to break it to you, but even the tiniest bit of contact between your mouth and the dip is enough to transfer bacteria. And once those little germs are in the dip, they can multiply and spread like wildfire. So even if you think you're being extra careful and not getting any of your saliva into the dip, there's still a pretty good chance that you're contaminating it for everyone else.
Alright, so now that we've established that double dipping is a pretty gross habit, what can we do about it? Well, the first step is to acknowledge the problem. If you're a serial double dipper, own up to it and make a conscious effort to break the habit. Trust me, your friends and family will thank you for it.
Next, let's talk about some strategies to avoid double dipping. One of the easiest solutions is to simply use a utensil to serve yourself a portion of the dip onto your own plate. That way, you can dip to your heart's content without any risk of contaminating the communal bowl. This might seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how often people just dive right in without considering the consequences.
Another option is to implement the "one-dip rule." Basically, this means that each chip or veggie gets one and only one dunk into the dip. If you want more, grab another chip or switch to a different snack. It might take some getting used to, but it's a small price to pay for the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're not spreading germs around like wildfire.
And finally, let's talk about hosting etiquette. If you're the one throwing the party, you have a responsibility to your guests to help prevent the spread of germs. One way to do this is by providing small plates or bowls for people to use for their dipping needs. You can also try setting out a variety of different dips, so that if one does become contaminated, there are still other options available.
But even with all of these precautions in place, it's important to remember that we can't always control the actions of others. So if you see someone committing the dreaded double dip, try not to freak out or shame them. Instead, take a deep breath, politely remind them of the potential for spreading germs, and maybe suggest they serve themselves a portion of the dip onto their own plate. Who knows – you might just be saving the party from a full-blown double dipping disaster.
So there you have it, my friends. Double dipping is a seriously gross habit that can spread bacteria and ruin a perfectly good snack for everyone involved. But with a little awareness and a few simple strategies, we can all do our part to keep our dips (and our mouths) germ-free.
In the end, it's all about being considerate of the people around you and practicing good hygiene. Because let's face it: nobody wants to share a bowl of bacteria-infested dip. So let's all do our part to keep our snacks – and our fellow partygoers – safe and happy. No more double dipping, folks. It's time to put an end to this nasty habit once and for all.
When people don't look where they are going when they are walking.
Ugh, don't you just hate it when you're walking down the street and someone walks right into you because they're not paying attention to where they're going? I swear, it's like some people are just so wrapped up in their own little worlds that they forget that there are other people around them.
I mean, seriously, how hard is it to just look where you're going? It's not rocket science! All you have to do is lift your head up and take a quick glance around to make sure you're not about to run into someone or something.
But no, some people just can't be bothered. They're too busy staring at their phones or lost in their own thoughts to even realize that they're walking straight towards another human being. And then, when they do finally notice, they act all surprised and annoyed, as if it's somehow your fault that they weren't paying attention.
And don't even get me started on the ones who walk super slow and take up the entire sidewalk. I mean, come on, people, there are other people trying to get places too! Move over and let us pass, please!
It's just so frustrating to me that some people can be so oblivious to their surroundings. It's like they think the world revolves around them and that everyone else should just get out of their way. Well, newsflash, buddy, you're not the only one on the planet!
I wish people would just be a little more aware of their surroundings and show a little consideration for their fellow humans. It's not that hard, and it would make everyone's lives a lot easier. So, next time you're out and about, do me a favor and look up every once in a while. Trust me, it'll make a world of difference.