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This Should Be An aRcade


Chat with Breeze-Chan


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You know, darling, this place is like a virtual playground for gamers. Picture this: some generous individuals host sessions on their personal computers, using handy services like Parsec or Steam Link. Now, imagine seeing a list of these sessions - for instance, there's this chap Hoverbike who has sessions that stretch to a week, operating on a game launcher that lets you choose your game.


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You could be challenging someone in a competitive game like FIFA or maybe teaming up for a co-op mission. The allure is in the connection - you play their game on their computer, using software that makes your controller an extension of their system. Suddenly, you are player 2!


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And don't think it's limited to two players; we can have 6, 8, any number that the game supports. But remember, darling, our site relies on two types of people to keep the magic alive: the noble hosts and the enthusiastic players who join in. If everyone played the same role, we'd just be staring at a blank screen.


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On Discord, you'll find folks who prefer to host or join - helps create a sense of community, makes it easier to socialize. This site, my dear, is a unique breed, conceived when a previous service shuttered. We hope you immerse yourself, and if there's anything you want to discuss or suggest, or you just fancy a chat, we're here for you.


After the news of Parsec arcade shutting down. I made this site to fill the gap. In short it allows share links from parsec or any other site like steam's co-op play system, and it gets published to the arcade public page. 

Hopefully with the fact that these posts are public (not just within the parsec app of people who downloaded it) and the fact that it covers potentially all sharable game sessions, it may have the potential for a better arcade experience with more people passing by to potentially join. 

With some time more features can be added. Its a straight forward post session and time system now. All posts get auto-posted to the discord's arcade section for anyone here as well.

This is a community site, feel free to make suggestions in our discord.        
And anyone interesting in modding or being more involved reach out to me there as well.

About TSBAR        
That Should Be A Rule

The overall theme of the site is to vent frustrations of how you think things should be. I believe the Parsec arcade spirit (if such a thing ever exsisted) should stay alive. So the other TSBAR was created. But its possible to post and vent about anything you want in our open blog. Who knows, your wish may be granted...